How you can install this Script?
You can install this script, by following the Instructions in the thread of the SinusBot Forums. If something is not clearly enough or something don’t work, feel free to start an issue.
Why you should install this Script or what are the advantages of that?
If you have successfully installed this script correctly, you can easily play music with your friends and listen to it together. So you did’t need to grab out the link from the url bar and paste it in the teamspeak client. Additional, the SinusBot Youtube Webinterface supports Themes from the SinusBots (Based Bootstrap Designs) and a control bar in top of the page.
Can you modify it youself?
If you are from an big teamspeak server, feel free to get in contact with us so we can handle out what you can do, that you can use it for your community. We don’t want to go commercial but we don’t like, if something uses this against our sake.
Authors and Contributors
@irgendwr helped me a lot to manage the requests to the Youtube API and other important stuff.
Support or Contact
Having trouble with the Youtube Webinterface? Check out our Thread in the SinusBot forums or feel free to get in contact on my website.